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Link Settings


Below is a list of each setting that can be configured for your link with a description as to what that configuration is used for.


You can click on some of the settings to get more details about that feature.

Link Settings

General Settings

EnabledThis setting will set your Link as Active (Enabled) or Inactive (Not Enabled).
Testing ModeTesting mode ON will run the Sync process without updating the target sObjects in Salesforce. Testing mode OFF will sync data to your target sObjects.
Link LabelThe name you give to your Link.
Batch Size LimitLimits each request to return that number of records. Example: Total Records = 950, Batch Size = 100. When the link runs it will have 10 total batches. 9 batches with 100 records, 1 batch with remaining 50 records for a total of 1000 records.
Link API NameThe unique name for this link (automatically set by Salesforce and is uneditable).

Logging And Retention

Record Snapshot Logging LevelThe logging level for record snapshots. One of: None, Errors/Warnings, Errors Only, or All. When the Record Snapshot Logging is set to All, it can consume a significant amount of Salesforce storage. Enabling Testing Mode helps conserve storage when in a development environment, as the snapshot log data is not stored in Salesforce.
Record Snapshot Retention Duration (in days)The number of days to retain record snapshots.
Sync Event Retention Duration (in days)The number of days to retain sync events.
Batch Retention Duration (in days)The number of days to retain batch results.

Automated Replays

Automated ReplaysEnable or disable attempts to replay failed syncs automatically.
Maximum Number of Automated Replay AttemptsThe maximum number of times to attempt an automated replay.

Parallel Processing

Enable Parallel ProcessingEnable or disable parallel processing.
Maximum Number of Concurrent Parallel WorkersThe maximum worker threads to use for parallel processing.


Enable FingerprintingEnable or disable fingerprinting.

Full Runs

Full Run AlwaysWhen the Full Run Always setting is enabled, each time the link is ran it will fetch all records and will not perform a Delta Sync. Users will see the following banner message on the Link Dashboard Sync page: Full Run Override: This Link is configured to ignore delta sync behavior and fetch all records.